Thursday, February 24, 2005

Dropping my first bomb

The way any proper war is started is to first make your enemy comfortable and while he's relaxed drop the bomb on him. Poland and the U.S. both learned this lesson in WWII.

So here's the relaxing part.

I am of no particular political affiliation, though in the past I most identified with the Republican party in the U.S. and the now deceased Reform party in Canada (replaced by the less inviting CARP party). I was a big fan of Reagan, but I think the Bush's are a travesty of epic proportions. I have an opinion on just about everything. I'm pretty well read and am information agnostic. I want to know anything I don't already know. An info sponge. I hate ignorance. A person can't help being stupid, but ignorance is a choice. So many people completely ignore anything outside the scope of their few simple daily interestes. It's sickening.

If you know me, then you are prepared to debate and defend any position or opinion you let out of your mouth. Serious, intellectual debate is a lost art and I think it's costing us all. The world is going to hell in a handbasket made of ignorance.

Well, ok, I lied about the relaxing you part. I'm not here to make you comfortable. I'm here to make you uncomfortable.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw

I'm here to be the unreasonable man in the hopes of progress.
