Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Fake TV News: Widespread and Undisclosed - Center for Media and Democracy

The media isn't just biased, it's bought.
Major media outlets in every region are airing these paid, PR firm written and produced 'news' stories without disclosure. In fact the Bush administration has been under fire for doing this as well.

One of the first steps* of a forming facist government is to gain control of the media. Here in the 'Land of the Free' this step has long been thoroughly accomplished.

Come on America, do not go gently into this bad night, but rage, rage against the dying of your rights.

(With apologies to Dylan Thomas)
Fake TV News: Widespread and Undisclosed - Center for Media and Democracy

* Step 6 of 14 actually. See Laurence Britt's article. Note, I think secular humanism is bunk, so don't construe this link as support. It's just where the article is posted.
