Thursday, February 24, 2005

Sweeping treason under the rug...[updated]

As much as both the liberals and the conservatives claim the media is biased, I'm of the the opinion that the are just sensationalist cowards too lazy to put together any real stories.

As an example, why isn't the media screaming for the head of whatever traitorous snake outted Valeire Plame as a CIA operative after her husband dared to point out the Whitehouse lied about the Iraqi/Nigerian WMD connection.

(See Plame leak timeline if you don't know about this story)

You can in no possible way rationalize this action as anything but the treason it is.

Here we have a country that tried to impeach Clinton for doing what made Kennedy everyone's hero. Yet this administration get's away with treason in violating national security, and risking the life and career of an operative to get back at her husband because he pointed out they were lying. Now I can't say that Dubya was responsible for this personally (actually it sounds like something Rove would do)because I have no evidence of that, but someone in the administration did it. This behaviour is unacceptable. Shame on the media and the public for not being outraged. People like Valerie Plame risk life and limb to protect their country. Curse those who don't honour and protect that sacrifice.

What's next, giving away the positions of troops to the enemy if their families disagree with the administration or it's policies?

(05-07-2005) UPDATE:
Well, this story is finally breaking, however as expected, the press is downplaying the heinous nature of this crime. A crime that is no less than treason.
I'm sure they'll also ignore or spin the white house connection. Turns out Rove leaked it (Gee, wish I'd thought of that), he's a traitor,and should be punished to the full extent of the law.
I can guess who else was in on it, hopefully someone will find proof. think, they tried to impeach Clinton for dipping his wick.
