Monday, April 10, 2006

Will the real Flip-Flopper please stand up?

In yet another example of the irrational meandering policies of the Bush administration. The white house is now promoting a plan which when originally proposed by John Kerry, they attacked and ridiculed mercilessly.

Now I'm no fan of either Kerry or the Democrats, but I'm quite sick of the up is down, down is up tactics of this administration. They attack their opponent's strengths and turn them upside down. A prime example of this was the administration's understanding that Kerry's military service would be a problem during the election campaign. How do you put a candidate, who's family influenced the governor to get their son into the Texas air national guard to avoid Vietnam, against a candidate who not only volunteered for regular service, but who volunteered for a second tour of duty and requested service in Vietnam? Amazingly they attacked Kerry on his military service, questioning his medals and awards. Suddenly Kerry became the one with the questionable war record. Amazing.
But this is the modus operandi of this coven under the evil genius Rove.

And the sheep bleat on in approval.

Bush's Iran Plan Echoes Kerry, Baffles Friends - January 27, 2006 - The New York Sun - NY News
