Wednesday, March 15, 2006

End of the Liberal Media Myth

In their recent checkup on the right-wing bilge pump FOX News, FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting) found that they are still hugely biased (duh). More interesting is farther down the article where the compared their results from other news outlets. All of the major outlets, even ones assumed to be liberal like NPR, scored as conservative biased.
This is obvious to anyone who watches and evaluates fairly. The problem is that the cult of the conservative right that has replaced real conservatism tolerates no questioning of anything it does. This administration gets away with a LOT as far as the media is concerned, but on the occassion that they can't ignore something, and tell the story, they are attacked as "Liberal Biased". All nonsense.
Telling the truth, even if it hurts is not biased.

Check it out at the link below. Make sure to at least read the paragraph "SIDEBAR: No Balance From “Liberal” Media".

Still Failing the "Fair & Balanced" Test
