Friday, September 09, 2005

Explosive allegations!

My God if this is true, it would sure explain the tight control of press and other access to New Orleans. The utter iron fisted control of access to New Orleans made no sense before, but this could explain at least part of it.

This is from Boing Boing
10:57 Raw transcript of comments by NOLA evacuee Clara Barthelemy: "The 17th street levee was bombed by the Army Corps of Engineers to save the more valuable real estate in the city… to keep the French Quarter protected, the ninth ward was sacrificed… people are afraid to speak out… everyone who was near there heard the bombings… they bombed seven times. That's why they didn't fix the levees… 20 feet of water. Gators. People dying in water. They let the parishes go, not the city center. Tourist trap was saved over human life.

People need to verify this NOW!
Get off your complacent, subjugated butts mainstream media and follow up on this!
If it's true... well.. God help us.
