Thursday, August 18, 2005


So W pushes through CAFTA. I wonder what country his fat corporate masters want to expolit in Central America? I mean it's got nothing at all to do with furthering the US economy in general. Rather it's about allowing his economy raping Enronesque corporate puppeteers to expand their range of exploitation.
Don't believe me? Look at NAFTA. What a train wreck. They used it to get carte blanche in Mexico.
They moved expensive American union jobs to Mexico in order to improve their profits. Even more amazing is that they don't even hide it. They admit it. However they tell the mouth breathing sheep of a public that it's actually good for the economy. That all the staggering profits they now make will go back into the U.S. economy. And it will create new, better jobs. 'New economy' jobs. Well where are they? Sure W didn't do NAFTA, but it took him to really exploit it properly. He's the one that pushed the tax breaks and incentives that not only caused companies to move manufacturing to Mexico, but then he made the incentives that allowed these same companies to move their 'new economy' jobs to India. Ask a friend who works in I.T. how many friends lost their jobs to some I.T. 'sweatshop' in India.
There are NO statistics that back up the lies about the creation of 'new economy' jobs or the claim that all the profiteering is helping the general economy.
Despite all the outright lies during the election, this administration has NOT added jobs to the economy. And certainly not these supposedly wonderful, high paying 'new economy' jobs. In fact the real statistics show that the majority of the jobs created under this administration are lower paying jobs. Minimum wage jobs. A minimum wage this administration won't raise I might add.

The only country that should have been included in a free trade agreement is Canada since Canada has a similar standard of living (slightly higher actually IMO) and therefore can have fair and equitable trade. But the U.S. can't even handle trading with Canada fairly. The U.S. has illegaly tarrifed over $5 billion on softwood that the NAFTA court ruled illegal. Now these NAFTA rules are by treaty U.S. Law, signed by the U.S. And now, by breaking that treaty, the U.S. is committing a crime. But since when has that mattered.

After all, this is a president that made ignoring international law a matter of policy.

So I'm waiting to see who's jobs will be lost due to CAFTA. What industries will be moving to Costa Rica?
