Saturday, July 16, 2005

Hey news media! Don't forget the traitor hunt!!!

Wow, the mainstream media managed to pretend they were interested in the outing of Karl Rove as a traitorous snake for all of 3 days. Gee guys, you're getting really good at hiding your puppet strings.

CNN, (MS)NBC, ABC, CBS etc. Wake up! without your pressure and pursuit of this story, Some traitor is going to get away with it. Don't you dare let this happen. I mean, I don't expect any kind of journalistic integrity from FOX news. After all, they are essentially the PR wing of the administration. And of course there's Murdoch's chief bitch, O'Reilley, who is constantly shilling for the Whitehouse. And yet he has the nerve to act indignant and start name calling when someone dares to call him on it.
What a loser.
Hey O'Reilley, up yours you punk. When you show an ounce on integrity, or even one ball, and say one thing that goes against your handlers will, then you can have the right to have an opinion.
Meanwhile, I'd be happy to send you some Preparation H. I'm sure that butt is getting plenty sore from having so many different puppeteers hands up it.
