Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Shut your mouth... [updated]

What the crap is wrong with people these days?
I mean just how many illiterates are we turning out of the schools these days, 50%? 60%?

There are no such words as:


There are however these words:


There are plenty of others I'm hearing way too often, but these are the top offenders.
What really drives me nuts is hearing people who should know better. People who's job it is to communicate. Educated, intelligent people.

Oh, and I just heard one of the speech writers on 'The West Wing' misuse an expression all too commonly misused. He said "I could care less".
For the 90% of you who say this, use your brain, think about it. The proper expression is "I COULDN'T care less"!

As in, I couldn't care less if you are offended by this blog.


Oh yeah, for you slack jawed mouth breathers out there still trying to vomit out the english language, here's a few little tips for you.

A prostate is the gland up a man's butt that makes it hard to urinate when he get's older.
Prostrate is when you lie flat on your face on the floor and beg God not to kill you for being stupid.

Cavalry are the soldiers on horseback that come rescue you from getting a Darwin Award.
Calvary on the other hand is where Christ died.

I type what I think regardless of the consequences.
Irregardless is a non-existant word stupid people use when they really meant either regardless or irrespective.

My wife put's frozen hamburger in the microwave to thaw it.
Stupid people ask their wife to dethaw some hamburger for dinner. And you don't even really need to be that smart to figure this one out. I mean if thaw means to 'defreeze' something (why don't the stupid say defreeze?) then obviously dethaw (if it was a word) would mean to freeze something.

To be continued...
