Thursday, March 31, 2005

No draft here, nothing to see, move along...

So I was watching CSPAN tonight and as usual, I learned something.
[and I note here also as usual, something I wouldn't have learned on a network news broadcast]

I found out there are GI's wondering why they are being extended past the 24 months allowed by law.
I found out that the 'No Child Left Behind act' includes a clause that causes student's personal information to be sent to military recruiters. Nice.

Military service (and draft) entry maximum age raised to 39.

55 year old military retiree's getting called back up.

But hey, at leat we're defeating the 'Axis of Evil' and their weapons of mass destruction.

Let's recount:

'Axis of evil' according to Dubya.

Iran, Iraq, North Korea

Iran tells the U.S. to go piss up a pole, they're gonna do what they want, including develop their nuclear (note even they can pronounce it correctly) program. They hide Al Qaeda members, and who knows what else.

US Response, Sweet piss all.

North Korea, develops nuclear missiles, tells the U.S. to go piss up a pole.

US Response, Not much. Harsh words and removal from the Christmas card list.

Iraq, Gives up or destroys banned weapons after first Gulf war. Has ongoing inspections by the U.N., has the military capability of Latvia. Orders aluminum pipes 'to make weapons', oh wait, never actually did that. Ask Valerie Plame, assuming she's not dead.

US Response, Pre-emptive, war. No sign of WMD's, no Al Qaeda link, over 1000 wasted American lives, and thousands of Iraqi's dead. No end in sight. Declining troop levels. Backdoor draft tactics.

Thank goodness for term limitations.
