Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The pot calls the kettle black...Cruise.

Everyone likes when people agree with them, yet I cringed to think Tom Cruise was on my side about something. Sure, we live in an overmedicated nuthouse of a world. Sure the so called science of psychology is mostly the unscientific ramblings of incestuous, insane drug addicts. And sure I've seen first hand people that have had their lives turned upside down by the snake oil toting psychiatrists. I agree with all that, I mean hell. Rittalin IS pretty much methamphetamines, the scourge of this generation. And sure Paxil will help with your anxiety/depression, IF you don't mind being a Stepford Wife in return.

But what gives Tom Cruise the right to criticize anyone? I mean he's a big enough loser to buy into the insane, inane ramblings of a bush league science fiction writer. Good grief, L. Ron Hubbard can't even write decent sci-fi (Have you _read_ Battlefield earth?! It's actually worse than the movie, and don't get me started on Travolta), what makes anyone think he can come up with a reasonably rational fake religion? At least join one of the properly done cults. Like the mormons or the Catholics.

Heck, Cruise himself looked pretty strung out that night he went ape-dirt on Matt Lauer. Guess it's time for Cruise to 'audit out' his jackass engrams. OR get an enema.



