Thursday, September 08, 2005

Don't you dare believe the lies!

Don't you dare dishonor the memory of those that have died by believing the outright lies, and subtle twists of the truth that this administration is so good at.

Do your own research, don't just sit on your fat butts letting FOX news program your little minds.

Go read this to start, it's a timeline of failure, and you darn well better do the research to disprove it before you call in 'typical liberal Bush bashing'* or whatever other excuses you people use to excuse yourself from actually researching anything for yourself.

The Bush bobble heads really disgust me. Even now they not only defend him, they actually attack those who commit the sin of having their eyes open and breathing, which is all it takes to see his absolute failure and incompetence in this fiasco.

Let me spell it out for you, George W. Bush is not the second coming of the messiah. He is not perfect (not even in the same zipcode as perfect), He is not God's chosen one, heck he's not even the voter's chosen one.

So get over it, shake off the hypnosis, and notice the emperor has no clothes. Though I hesitate to use that line since I'm sure none of his devotees even know the reference. Heck I bet they don't know what devotees means.


*FYI, I'm NOT liberal. I thought Ronald Reagan was great. I'm generally conservative leaning.
And I'm mostly just using my own mind to decide my opinons, with my own research, on a case by case basis. Only a moron and a traitor just walks a party line blindly on every issue.
I lean towards the right, not the Right.
