Thursday, August 18, 2005

Gaza and the Christian right.

Ok, here's a President that managed to snow half the voting population in the country into believing he's God's own right hand.
Well for all you geniuses on the Christian 'right' who support this idiot, lets recount.

- You voted for him on the idea that he'd do somthing about abortion.
Well, he has not put a single, real, pro-lifer in a position that matters. He's only put phonies like himself in these positions. Example, John Ashcroft*. The countries top lawyer, said outright that Roe V. Wade was the settled law of the land. Sound familiar? It's nearly exactly what W's nomination for the supreme court said. John Roberts has also said he will not challenge Roe V. Wade and he considers it the 'settled law of the land'.

*Ashcroft did however manage to propose concentration camps to put U.S. Citizens in. And he did this _BEFORE_ 9/11. Zig Heil herr fuhrer Ashcroft. (

There's LOT's more, see sites like for more .

Now, let's talk about Gaza. The Republican lie machine is already spouting nonsense by saying that this is all Israel's doing. Nonsense, Bush was overheard saying Israel better learn to compromise or else over a year ago. They can say any lies they want now, his comments are on record as instigating, supporting, and pushing the Gaza pullout among other things.

Now this guy claims to be a devout Christian?! Please, no Christian in his right mind would dare to be part of taking Israel off it's promised land. If you believe the Bible, which you must to be a Christian, then you must believe that this land was given by God to the jews. You also must believe what happens to those who screw with Israel and their promised land.

It doesn't matter if you are a Christian, or an Athiest or some other crap, you don't have to believe the Bible to get this.
Here's the point. W claims to be a devout Christian.
If this is true, then he must believe the Bible is true (if not, he's not a Christian)
If the Bible is True, then the land _was_ promised to the Jews and is theirs.
Anyone who messes with that is in trouble.

So you now are faced with the fact that Bush MUST be a liar. Because he cannot both be a devout Christian AND support the Gaza pullout.

He can't be a Christian and not believe the Bible to be true.

But then he already said as much. He said in an interview that he doesn't believe the Bible is the abosulte, literal word of God. And yet moron Christians still support like he was the second coming.

I think I'm going to run for Emperor of earth. I'll run on the religious right platform. Apparently these morons will vote for anyone.
