Tuesday, September 06, 2005

WARNING AMERICA! Attack on freedom imminent.

I'm already seeing what's going to happen here. Bush and his lackeys are starting to spin his total failure of leadership in the Katrina disaster.

They are starting to spin it to blame 'bureaucracy' and 'red-tape' instead of their own incompetence and disinterest.

Here's what they are going to do. They are going to blatantly use the emotions of the American people to trick them into allowing more power, unconstitutional power, to the executive branch.

They'll say "we could save more American lives if this happens in the future, if you give us the power to eliminate the checks and balances that impede our ability to do so."

Think I'm nuts? No way, they already did just that after 9/11. They used our fear and anger to strip away large portions of the bill of rights with the unPATRIOTic ACT and other bills.

It WILL happen, and you heard it here first.
