Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Trib outs CIA (red herring alert!)

OK, so I wonder who tipped the Trib to the availability of this information online? The CIA, NSA, someone in the administration?
This is just the kind of story that makes the sheep say "boy, this is terrible, we should do something about it".
Next thing you know they are passing the Internet equivalent of the Patriot act. After all, it's the last free place in the world, and it's already under attack. Ask Google. The government has been trying to get Google to spy on you for years.
So now, they get some lacky to do a story like this one and use the emotional response to get people to put aside rational thought and good sense. After all they slipped the Patriot Act under the radar.
And there are actually a lot of citizens out there that think it's a good idea. They even say such stupid things as "I don't care, I don't have anything to hide..."
How can you say this when you don't know what they are looking for?
Everyone has something to hide from someone. Don't think so? Thinking "Only bad people have something to hide"? Time to wake up my friend. Bad people only have something to hide from the good. Good people have something to hide from the bad. The reason that the Constitution firmly setup the protections it did is that you can not control if your government is good or bad. Suppose your naive belief that this government is pure, moral, God appointed, and cares about you is true, so what? If you allow the protections of the Constitution to be removed, you put the tools into the hands of all future administrations too. What if the next administration is evil, or the one after that? Or one cop, or one judge, or one appellate court etc? What will stop them? Not the Constitution, not if you gut it with things like the Patriot Act.
The founding fathers were smarter than you. And more experienced. They had actually seen oppression and tyrannical governments. We are soft and spoiled and think it can never happen to us. They intended those protections to be permanent to protect us even from our own stupidity.

Go read my favourite quotes list below.

Trib outs CIA
