Saturday, July 15, 2006

Symbols of the new GOP

So the other day I was watching some news report that I forget, however, I did notice something that left me stunned. In the background of the story was the Republican party's logo. I noticed it had been changed. The change was scary.

Before I get into that, let me give a little background. These days most people are pretty haphazard and careless about how they do things. However there are many groups and people that are very particular how they do, say, write, and place things. Any Catholics out there know the importance of ritual and symbolism. Certain symbols and rituals have meaning. Heraldry is another thing where symbols and placement are important and change meaning.

Now, we all know what the flag of the United States of America looks like (or at least we think we do, but that's another post). Each symbol, color and placement has meaning. If you look at US symbols the stars have a particular form and orientation.

Finally, another group that places great importance on symbols and numbers and orientation is the occult. EVERY Occult symbol and placement has meaning. What makes a pentagram a pentagram and not a 5 pointed star? Easy, the orientation. By placing two of the symbol's points upward, the symbol appears to have horns. A powerful occult symbol.
Note the devil horns hand signal that so many ignorant fans give at certain concerts.

So here's the deal. The republican logo has been changed. It's patriotic stars have been rotated to point 'horns up' and are now pentagrams.
"Conspiracy nonsense!" you yell
OK, if it's a coincidence, then tell me what possible reason there was to change it?
US symbols have upright stars, not pentagrams. There's no precedent for this orientation.
Also look at the timing. The symbol changed right at the same time as Bush took office, and before two confessed, practicing cult members (Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove) ran for office (Bush & Kerry).

Here's a graphic for you to compare, Note the stars on the flag for reference:
