Sunday, August 20, 2006

Wrapping my mind around the (seemingly) impossible

So the other day, I saw a guy on CNN who was talking about a website for a group that believes that 9-11 was some kind of vast conspiracy, CNN was pretty tough on him. Now I certainly believe that this administration is in cahoots with anyone willing to participate, in order to further it's interests. I also believe that they will sell out you, me and their own mother to any other group to get something they want in return. However, the most I was willing to let my mind accept regarding 9-11 was that they had turned a blind eye and stood down everyone who could stop it. This would allow them to use the anger instilled in the public, and the world, to impliment and further their policies and plans in the US and worldwide. In my mind, that's already a pretty big stretch.
However, I will listen to anyone's point of view and weight their arguments accordingly. So I checked this group's website out. The group is called "Scholars for 9/11 truth" and they're quite compelling.
However, compelling isn't enough to make my mind jump the tracks to the idea that 9/11 was an inside job and a hoax. I want hard facts and logic. Well, I finally came to this article link on their site:
"Free-Falling Bodies:
Simple Physics Reveals The Big Lie
The basic idea of the article is that using simple physics, and Newtonian Physics, you can calculate that the towers fell too fast. It's like this, gravity causes a free-falling object to accelerate at a constant rate, barring external influence. For example, skydivers won't accelerate to 1000 MPH if the fall far enough, even though this is what they would do in a vacuum. Earth's atmosphere slows them down until they fall at a constant rate. The towers, according to the official story, fell in a series of collapses. Each floor failing in turn as the building above fell on it. This should cause quite a bit of resistance no? Even more than mere air. And yet, the towers fell at a speed that indicates there was nearly zero resistance. And you don't need to take my word for it. Go watch a realtime (not slow-motion) video and time it yourself. Then do the simple math yourself. It's not possible that the towers fell in the way stated by the official story.
So what did really happen?
You got me, but it blows my mind to realize the consequences of the fact that the towers fell with no resistance. The facts then demand that there was artificial assistance, even possibly the demolition charges claimed by conspiracy theorists.
I don't know what to think. It leads to such an insidious, and complete conspiracy against the public and the world that even I can't accept it yet.
So then I came across the video this blog entry is linked to. It presents a very complete bit of research and some alternative theories on the whole thing.
Did you know, during the early Cuba crisis years, the CIA came up with a plan to get the world and the citizenry to not only allow, but demand an invasion of Cuba?
The plan included staging attacks on the US Guantanimo Bay Military base. It included protests, bombings, rocket attacks, etc. on the base, by people pretending to be Communist Cuban Military and supporters.
The plan even included, and get this, staged attacks with cargo planes, disguised as airliners, and remote controlled. In fact this was even practiced!
This plan would have gone forward except for one man. John F. Kennedy. He not only stopped it, but he fired the man in charge of the plan.
