Tuesday, October 17, 2006

FBI director wants ISPs to track users | CNET News.com

Why is it that this administration can not, will not secure it's own borders.
Where did the 9/11 terrorists come from? Inside the US. All came in through US Customs, all behaved in a suspicious manner, most were in violation of their Immigration Visa's and yet they lived and moved with impunity, some for up to 12 years!
Now, it's just come out that the wide open Mexican border is the first choice of terrorists, yet the administration has not, and will not do a thing to make it more secure. It doesn't want to alienate it's corporate masters who are using these illegals as cheap labor.
Despite all this, the only crackdowns are on monitoring citizens!
Not people in tents in the Khyber pass hiding Osama.
The all out assault on civil rights in this country, by this administration has done more to destroy what makes America America than every act of external terrorism combined.
Acts of terrorism, while terrible, can only destroy our property and kill our people. But it's the Constitution and the freedoms and rights it protects that make America great, and free, and unique. And as long as those things survive, America lives.
Don't take this statement as demeaning the lives lost, or giving less value to the sacrifices. My own family lost life and limb in wars to protect our freedoms. But they knew the potential cost of their and our freedom and were willing to make that sacrifice. Any true patriot is willing to sacrifice their liberty, blood and even life to protect what they believe in. This is why it's so disgusting, so disgraceful to their memory, and so treasonous for this administration to give/take away so easily what so many have bought at such great cost for the rest of us.
It's long been talked about how America refuses to bargain with terrorists. And yet, that's exactly what is being done.
Trading our rights, our freedoms, even the Constitution to (supposedly) stop terrorism is NO different than trading jet fuel and safe passage for hostages. It's hypocritical, and it's treasonous.
I'll say it again, this administration of crooks, perverts, liars, cheats and traitors has done more damage to America than every terrorist in history.

Stop them all. Save America. Don't vote for career politicians. Don't vote for traitors.
Vote real, patriotic, Americans. No matter what party. Even, and especially independent parties.

FBI director wants ISPs to track users | CNET News.com


Sunday, October 15, 2006

BBC NEWS | Technology | Air passengers 'could be tagged'

What's next, branding (calling all airport cowboys), tattoos, implants?

BBC NEWS | Technology | Air passengers 'could be tagged'


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Big Brother is watching...

Funny how the US Intelligence agencies can't seem to find Osama, or figure out if Iran really has nukes, but they can find 14 year old girls venting and saying stupid things on MySpace.
If the current administration spent as much time and resources looking outward as it does looking inward at it's own citizens, terrorism would be a thing of the past.
The so called "War on Terror" is really an excuse to create a police state. And that police state is in place now. Only publicly declared martial law is missing.
Meanwhile, these phonies would have us believe that they have our best interests in mind, that they represent a Godly moral high ground.
A high ground that they use as an excuse to trick the gullible fools on the Christian right into voting for them and supporting them. And as an excuse to bring their righteous values to the world in the name of democracy as a cover for imperialism. All the while their real, true nature is becoming so overpowering in them that they can no longer control themselves.
This is amplified by the fact that the public refuses to even notice, let-alone hold them accountable.
How many Republican congressmen have to go to jail for selling their votes or molesting boys? How much of the Constitution has to be shredded before the public demands a stop be put to it?
After all, they can come down hard on little girls who vent their frustration in mere words.

Charter - News


Friday, October 06, 2006

No limit to depths Repubs will sink

This is sickening.
Mark Foley gets caught red-handed being the pedophile he is and does he take accountability? Nope, he blames every one/thing but himself. Drinking, childhood, etc. blah blah blah.
Now, the Republicans get caught covering up this pedophilia and what do they do? The same thing. They blame the Democrats, the media, Bill Clinton, George Soros, et al. They don't blame them for making it up, they blame them for exposing it!

Now look, it may come out that dozens of senators have been playing grab-ass with young pages, including some Democrats. This is not the real issue. The Republican response is the issue. They're disgusting.
And this whole incident exposes what everyone needs to open their eyes to about this party. They are disgusting, lying, stealing, scheming, perverts. But they pretend to be pious while they call everyone else evil.
Here's how really evil people work. They pre-emptively attack their enemy and accuse them of everything they themselves are. {This is the modus operandi of Karl Rove BTW.}
Mark Foley went around playing defender of children, persecutor of the pedophilia, while he himself was just such an evil scum pervert.

Don't you dare be a one issue voter this election. Don't you dare vote for Republicans because you want to vote for "Christian values". Don't you dare vote because they claim to be Pro-life. The only reason they would even bother to push a Pro-life bill is to fleece money from lobbyists, and to allow more children to be born for them to molest.

This party needs to be cleaned out from the bottom to the top.

That doesn't mean I want you to vote Democrat either. Especially in the next Presidential election. Hillary is very nearly the devil herself.
What I'm saying is find out what your candidates really stand for and vote for people. Good people. No matter what party they are. Even independent. It is your duty as a citizen to know the issues, know the candidates and vote and participate accordingly.

Many conspirators seen behind Foley scandal - Yahoo! News


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The New Freedom Initiative [update]

Your children are already being screened, without your knowledge or consent, under the NFI. You will only find out once they are labeled mentally ill, forced into treatment, and prescribed mind altering drugs.

Now, it's coming to everyone. All ages. If you get treatment at a hospital, enter an old age home, get charged with a crime, enter a homeless shelter, or use many other public facilities, you will be mentally screened, and receive drugs and treatment and be subject to further screening periodically thereafter.

Oh, and on a side note, they are funding hundreds of new 'facilities' to house people.

The New Freedom Initiative | CPS False Accusations


Where are the good guys?

Here's a story of some of the brutal atrocities being committed in Darfur.
Get upset, it's ok, you should.
Here's what I don't understand. There appears to be a war between two factions that are currently represented by supposed radical isalmists, and supposed freedom loving democratic juedeo-Christians.
Presently represented by the US/Britain etc. pseudo-Christian neocons on the one side and the radical Islamic terrorists/Al Queda on the other side.
Both sides are evil, committing heinous atrocities, oppressing their populations, and grabbing for power. There's certainly a war here, but it appears to be between two evil factions.
Where are the good guys? What's the real story?
To quote the good book, "A house divided against itself cannot prosper". So is the war a farce, a hoax, a tool? It's possible, just look what the citizens of the US have allowed to happen to their country, their Constitution, their freedom in the name of the so called "war on terror". After all, the Republicans finally threw Mark Foley to the dogs, after covering up for him for 3 years or more, to distract the media and the public from the bigger crime. The detainee and wiretapping Bills.

Who are the good guys? Where are they? When will they get in this fight?



Are you a patriot or a collaborator?

Every Citizen has the solemn duty to hold his government to account.

At the very least, you should be reading the summaries of all proposed legislation. This can be found easily at
the Library of Congress' Thomas website.
There is no excuse for not doing so. To say you are 'too busy' to participate in your own government is treasonous. Make the time. Spend one hour less wasting your time on MySpace, or watching drivvel on TV, or whatever you do.

Want to see some of what can be found there, some of the things your government has been up to?

H. J. RES. 41

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to provide that no person born in the United States will be a United States citizen unless a parent is a United States citizen, or is lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States, at the time of the birth.

H. J. RES. 46

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to deny United States citizenship to individuals born in the United States to parents who are neither United States citizens nor persons who owe permanent allegiance to the United States.

H. J. RES. 2

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to permit persons who are not natural-born citizens of the United States, but who have been citizens of the United States for at least 20 years, to be eligible to hold the Office of President.

H. J. RES. 63

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to allow an item veto of appropriation bills.

H. J. RES. 60

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to the permissible uses for which private property may be taken.

H. J. RES. 51

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to allow debate to be closed on any measure, motion, or other matter pending before the Senate only by unanimous consent or the concurrence of three-fifths of the Senators.

H. J. RES. 49

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States regarding the appointment of individuals to serve as Members of the House of Representatives when, in a national emergency, a significant number of Members are unable to serve due to death, resignation, or incapacity.


Increasing the statutory limit on the public debt.

    Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection (b) of section 3101 of title 31*, United States Code, is amended by striking out the dollar limitation contained in such subsection and inserting in lieu thereof $8,965,000,000,000.

* subsection (b) of section 3101 of title 31, United States Code provides a limit on public debt.

H. J. RES. 24

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution. (Article 22 is presidential term limitations)

H. J. RES. 9

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.

H. J. RES. 77

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to authorize the President to reduce or disapprove any appropriation or authorization of new direct spending in any bill presented by Congress.

Now there are some good proposals too. Ones that need your support. Here's a few examples...

H. J. RES. 50

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the Electoral College and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.

H. J. RES. 74

Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

H. CON. RES. 12

Requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in the United States Capitol.

S. J. RES. 2

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to require a balanced budget and protect Social Security surpluses.

S. J. RES. 10

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States which requires (except during time of war and subject to suspension by Congress) that the total amount of money expended by the United States during any fiscal year not exceed the amount of certain revenue received by the United States during such fiscal year and not exceed 20 per centum of the gross national product of the United States during the previous calendar year.


Now This would have helped take back America

Eliminating the corrupt and abused electoral college would be a great first step in taking America back for Americans.

Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)


Final Prediction

The final stages of the takeover of America are occurring in rapid succession. However there is one remaining step the members of the coup haven't taken.
IF, the Bush administration is alone in this plot, then they must eliminate term limitations (Article XXII of the Constitution). They've already tried in fact. See House Joint Resolution V - January 4, 2005. More than once. House Joint Resolution 24 - February 17, 2005
If they intend to keep control, then they will have to get around this law. Given the more important articles of the Constitution they've swept aside without resistance, I see this as no real stopping block. However, just because the American public have chosen to be lambs, led to the slaughter, the rest of the world has not (yet). Because this play is happening on a world stage they will try and maintain the pretense of law and propriety.
If the conspiracy is greater than the current administration, then they won't care and will put the next puppet in place now that the election process has been taken under control.
But, if the plot is to keep Bush in office, this is what I predict will happen.
Another major attack, larger than 9/11, possibly biological, will hit the US. The government will then declare federal martial law, eliminate posse comitatus, and postpone elections indefinitely, or eliminate term limitations. And that will be it. The end of the great experiment in Freedom that was America. The greatest country on earth, with unlimited potential for humanity, and the great dreams of it's founding fathers will be gone, forever.


Habeas Corpus, R.I.P. (1215 - 2006)

More on the end of the rule of law in America and it's replacement by a Presidential dictatorship.

Bush swore an oath which he has regularly and flagrantly violated. An oath to defend and protect The Constitution from all enemies. Note that the oath is to protect The Constitution, not the Homeland, or National Security or anything else. The Founding fathers knew what the proper priority was. Without The Constitution, there is no America to protect.
Failure to uphold that oath has a name. It is called treason.

Here's the conclusion of the article linked below, I hope you'll do your duty as a citizen and read the whole thing. And participate in what little is left of the Democratic process.

"The version of the detainee bill now in the Senate not only undoes much of the McCain-Warner-Graham work, but it is actually much worse than the administration’s first proposal. In one change, the original compromise language said a suspect had the right to “examine and respond to” all evidence used against him. The three senators said the clause was necessary to avoid secret trials. The bill has now dropped the word “examine” and left only “respond to.”
In another change, a clause said that evidence obtained outside the United States could be admitted in court even if it had been gathered without a search warrant. But the bill now drops the words “outside the United States,” which means prosecutors can ignore American legal standards on warrants.
The bill also expands the definition of an unlawful enemy combatant to cover anyone who has “has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States.” Quick, define “purposefully and materially.” One person has already been charged with aiding terrorists because he sold a satellite TV package that includes the Hezbollah network.
The bill simply removes a suspect’s right to challenge his detention in court. This is a rule of law that goes back to the Magna Carta in 1215. That pretty much leaves the barn door open.
As Vladimir Bukovsky, the Soviet dissident, wrote, an intelligence service free to torture soon “degenerates into a playground for sadists.” But not unbridled sadism—you will be relieved that the compromise took out the words permitting interrogation involving “severe pain” and substituted “serious pain,” which is defined as “bodily injury that involves extreme physical pain.”
In July 2003, George Bush said in a speech: “The United States is committed to worldwide elimination of torture, and we are leading this fight by example. Freedom from torture is an inalienable human right. Yet torture continues to be practiced around the world by rogue regimes, whose cruel methods match their determination to crush the human spirit.”
Fellow citizens, this bill throws out legal and moral restraints as the president deems it necessary—these are fundamental principles of basic decency, as well as law.
I’d like those supporting this evil bill to spare me one affliction: Do not, please, pretend to be shocked by the consequences of this legislation. And do not pretend to be shocked when the world begins comparing us to the Nazis." - Molly Ivins

Habeas Corpus, R.I.P. (1215 - 2006)


What DOES it take to wake you up?!

I'll open with a quote from the opening paragraph of the article linked here.

"...I really need to ask a question here: what the hell is the matter with you people? And by “you people,” I don’t mean specifically the regular readers of these newsletters, but rather the American people in general. So to all you John and Jane Q. Publics out there, let me rephrase the question: what the hell does it take to get a reaction out of you?"

As you read this article, and I urge you to do so, keep in mind that it was written before the recent events of the Republicans and Congress to remove the core tenet of the American justice system, habeas corpus as well as gutting the Bill of Rights by giving the President the power to pretty much spy on anyone, anywhere, without cause, notification and most importantly, without oversight.

The fact that no one is screaming about these things sickens me. But then, like the author, I've nearly given up on waiting for the American public to take a stand on anything worthwhile.

The summary of the article is that Haliburton (surprise surprise) proudly announced on it's website that it secured a huge contract with the government to build an indefinite quantity of facilities (prison camps) inside the United States to be used for emergency immigrant detention or to support the rapid development of new programs.

Care to guess what those new programs might be? Want a hint, go read this from the U.S. Army's website.
Army Regulations for the Civilian Inmate Labor Program.
Who do you think those camps are for now?

The situation as it exists, right now, in America is that the Constitution is gone. Anyone can be grabbed off the street, or from their home, taken to secret camps, tortured, put to hard labor, and never be seen again. They will have no right to an attorney, no right to hear the charges against them, no right to a trial. Nothing. You disappear, and no one can find you. You have no legal recourse. You can be tortured and held indefinitely without charge or trial.
Welcome to the new Amerika. You are nothing. You have no rights. Get used to it, you did it to yourself by allowing it to happen.



Monday, October 02, 2006

They Passed the Torture Bill, Gave Bush Wiretapping, and America is Dead | TPMCafe

I am probably on the opposite side of most issues from the author of the blog article linked below, but on this one I agree with him.
This administration is actively executing a coup. They are tearing up the Constitution, removing the rule of law, and setting up a fascist state.
America is nearly dead. Amerika is replacing it.

If you haven't seen the movie "V for Vendetta" then I think you should.
It presents very well the world being created here in America.
There are plenty of other analogies. Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, etc. As well as more movie examples like "1984" and "Fahrenheit 451", "Equilibrium" and others.

This is a fact, a simple, obvious, verifiable, fact. Read the bills, read the former constitution, do the research. There is no conspiracy theory here. There is a factual, immoral, illegal, attack on the United States of America and it's headquartes is the Whitehouse.

They Passed the Torture Bill, Gave Bush Wiretapping, and America is Dead | TPMCafe


The Blog | Cenk Uygur: The Republican Protection Racket | The Huffington Post

I'm beginning to think that the Republicans could all line up on the steps of congress and sodomize young boys while burning flags, selling drugs to children, and giving secrets to North Korea, and still no one would give a damn.

The public needs to be ashamed of themselves for not only turning a blind eye to the depravity of this government, but continuing to blindly support them.

Shame on you all.

The Blog | Cenk Uygur: The Republican Protection Racket | The Huffington Post
