Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Media Matters - The many falsehoods of Tony Snow

So while the Whitehouse puts on the impression that they are cleaning house. They are really digging in.
While they got rid of the barking terrier Scott McLellan, they have replaced him with the BS spreading pitbull Tony Snow. It's no real surprise either, since Snow is a Republican mouthpiece on the lie peddling FOX News network.
If anyone doubted the FOX <-> Republican connection before, they can't deny it now.

Media Matters - The many falsehoods of Tony Snow


Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well, I suppose even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I actually found something on that republican mouthpiece puppet Malkin's site I agree with.

These dirty Moslem savages brutalize each other, their own women and children, and anyone who isn't Moslem, but if anyone dares to say one word about them they lose their mind screaming about persecution. Screw em. They can just damn well suck it up and live with it. When you behave like animals, you can't cry about it when you get treated like one.

I love the picture of the poor persecuted savage holding the "BEHEAD Those who insult islam" sign.




Man severs own penis, throws it at officers

See Jane hide and call police. See Dick, see Dick fly, see Dick ride in ambulance. See Dick get re-attached to moron.

Man severs own penis, throws it at officers:


The homeland is secure...

Listen carefully to this arrogant moron as he gives kids a gun safety speech.
"...I am the only one in this room professional enough to handle this Glock..."

Obviously the DEA standards aren't all that high.


Wired News: Green Berets Prefer Biodiesel

As I said before, diesel, not pipe dream nonsense like Hybrids and hydrogen vehicles are the short term answer to reducing non-renewable petroleum dependence. This is especially important given most of this petroleum comes from unstable countries full of maniacal zealots who hate us.

Check out this article and you can see the great success that the Military and other government agencies have had with biodiesel.

Tell your government representatives to stop wasting your tax dollars subsidizing E85 and start spending it on biodiesel programs and incentives to auto manufacturers to make more high performance, clean burning diesel vehicles.

Meanwhile, instead of waiting for the government to get off it's butt, you can do your part.
Buy a diesel vehicle. Right there you will get better fuel economy and be doing your part for the environment and reducing foreign oil dependence.
Next you can find a local station that sells biodiesel or biodiesel blended fuels. You can tell biodiesel blends because they are labeled Bnn. For example B20 means that the diesel is 20% biodiesel and 80% petrodiesel. Right there you have reduced your foreign oil use by 20%. Plus biodiesel is cleaner, and renewable so you are helping the environment too. Wont you feel good.
The final step is to make your own biodiesel and run 100% biodiesel. This is a bit of work, but considering you can make your own for less than 45 cents a gallon, it's well worth it!
Check out sites like the Collaborative Biodiesel Tutorial to learn about making your own biodiesel.

Wired News: Green Berets Prefer Biodiesel


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wisdom from the founding fathers..

"It is error alone which needs the support of government.
Truth can stand by itself."
--Thomas Jefferson


Monday, April 17, 2006


Here's a good article pointing out some of the problems with the unPATRIOTic ACT.

backup link


NPR : The Video Surveillance Debate

In yet another Orwellian move towards an all-seeing Big Brother, the NYPD and the city of New York are installing 500 surveillance cameras around New York in a pilot project they hope will lead to hundreds more.

This is a perfect, real-world example of the current trend towards a communist/fascist type government that sees and controls all it's citizens do.

I keep hearing people say some truly outrageous things in regards to these developments.

The two I hear the most are:

"I don't care, I've got nothing to hide"
"As long as we catch the bad guys, I don't care"

These statements show a high degree of ignorance. Ignorance of America's history and founding principles. Ignorance of real American ideals of freedom and law. Ignorance of world history.

Let me speak to the two above mentioned confessions of ignorance as they relate to the NY spy cameras.

- "I don't care, I've got nothing to hide"
Well, my first response to this is, so what? Just because you aren't hiding anything, or don't think you are doing anything wrong, this is still America. The idea that the government can search you, and spy on you etc. anytime it wants is communist thinking, fascist thinking. Real patriotic American thinking is that the Government answers to the people, and is Constitutionally required to protect your rights.

Let me quote you the 4th amendment of the Constitution from the "Bill of Rights":
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

This amendment (and others) is already being trashed by the unPATRIOTic ACT and other unconstitutional laws, executive orders, and illegal actions. It's bad enough that people are being seized, jailed, held without charge for months, without lawyers, without outside contact etc., but for the rest of us to lie down and say "sure, go ahead" is treasonous, despicable, cowardly, and un-American. REAL Americans fight for their freedoms and rights.

- "As long as we catch the bad guys, I don't care"

Well, as mentioned, not caring alone is treasonous, un-American behavior.
As for catching bad guys, not a single person has been convicted in connection with the Sept. 11th attacks due to any provisions of the PATRIOT ACT.
In regards to the NY surveillance situation, London has had hundreds of big brother cameras installed for some years now. Despite the London cameras, there was no reduction in crime in London, and if you'll all recall, not only didn't the cameras prevent the recent London subway bombings, but they did in fact record the perpetrators. They were of no use in identifying them as bombers, or even as suspicious. They had no value as a deterrent, or as a preventive measure.

The other thing I want to continue to drive home with people is that it's never, ever right, smart, or patriotic to give up your unalienable rights.

To the hardline Christian Right that elected this president, I say think about this. Even if GWB was the second coming, and he was right, fair and just in everything he does, it doesn't mean you should give up your rights. Why? Because he won't be president forever, and every power you give this administration, and every right you give up to them, you also give to EVERY administration that follows them. And it only takes one evil or even misguided person to take away freedom from you.

Think about this. Suppose that in the future a very anti "Christian Right" president is elected. During that President's term, some moron bombs an abortion clinic in the name of Christianity. Maybe they attend a mainstream denomination like the Baptist, Catholic, or AoG. What stops that Administration from using the powers given to this Administration to persecute Christians? To treat them like radical Islamic extremists are treated now, declaring a war on terror against them?

If you are ever not sure about something a politician wants to do, remember this. The founding fathers were smarter, wiser, and more patriotic than you are. And the Constitution was setup to protect us even from ourselves, our ignorance, and our government.

NPR : The Video Surveillance Debate


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Time to be patriotic....

You really want to be patriotic?
Stop buying gas hogs that rely on mega-gallons of foreign oil sourced gasoline.
Use something economical. If everyone bought a vehicle that used 25% less fuel, that would reduce foreign oil dependence by millions of barrels. And that means less Americans dying to protect stability in those foreign lands.

Now I know that most people don't want an economy car for many reasons. They are usually wimpy little under-powered, sewing machines on wheels. They don't have the power and grunt that we demand here. Or they are some ridiculous pipe dream of expensive, toxic battery laden nonsense like the Prius or Escape hybrids. Hybrids cost more, contain hundreds of lbs. of batteries that will eventually end up poisoning a landfill, and they don't attain anywhere near their claimed MPG ratings. The Prius has shown how immature and questionable this technology is for mainstream use.
E85 on the other hand is a complete waste of tax dollars and is a pork barrel for Midwest farm states.
E85 costs more, and vehicle get terrible MPG while running on it. The only positive aspect of E85 is that it reduces use of foreign oil. But it's basically patriotic charity. No benefit to the consumer.

All those farms getting paid to turn corn into E85 would be better used to grow soy or rapeseed to turn into bio-diesel.

Diesel is the real answer for North America. Diesels aren't the old, noisy, slow, smoke belchers of the 70's. They are powerful, reliable, and very economical.
If you are sitting there thinking I'm wrong, then you need to head to a Mercedes dealer and ask to drive a new E320 CDI. This thing will knock your socks off. It has a quiet, easy starting, powerful diesel that has a ton of torque, which is what we really want more than horsepower. It's what grunts you away from the light, and pulls your trailer etc.
On top of being quick, this full sized sedan (think Lincoln or Cadillac) gets 27 MPG city and 37 MPG highway! And it will spank any hybrid or E85 vehicle in a drag race.

Get with the program, ask for diesels from your dealer. American car companies are in a bad way right now, they'll listen if we all ask for high tech, powerful, reliable, economic diesel vehicles.

Oh, and the new generation of diesels are cleaner than gasoline engines, so you tree-huggers can love them too.

Detroit Auto Show: Mercedes-Benz launches clean diesels for the U.S. - Autoblog


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Drug companies lying to make money? never!


From the "Well Duh" files...

In a recent McLean's poll, 72% of those polled said that George W. Bush is the worst President in the last 100 years.

I think the more amazing statistic is the 28% that don't think so.


Bravo to the thugs of the LAPD

So the LAPD, a group with such an illustrious history as the Rodney King 'incident', the corruption scandals, and numerous other shortcomings, has decided to ignore it's 2.13x the national average violent crime rate, growing property crime rate, and go after old ladies that walk too slow. "Los Angeles police Sgt. Mike Zaboski of the Valley Traffic Division said police are cracking down on people who improperly cross street..."
What a proud moment for real Policemen everywhere.
To serve and Protect...bahahah

News 14 Carolina | 24 Hour Local News | HEADLINES | Woman, 82, Gets Ticket for Slow Crossing


Monday, April 10, 2006

Another example: Photograph Cheney's Hotel; Get Arrested

Think it's not heppening here? There's no Chicken Little here. The sky is falling.

Photograph Cheney's Hotel; Get Arrested


A good overview of our Orwellian progress

This site gives a good overview of some of the attacks that have been made on the Constitution of the United States and the freedom and civil liberties of it's citizens.

If you like these ideas, move to an appropriate communist regime where you belong.

5.4 Snooping


Will the real Flip-Flopper please stand up?

In yet another example of the irrational meandering policies of the Bush administration. The white house is now promoting a plan which when originally proposed by John Kerry, they attacked and ridiculed mercilessly.

Now I'm no fan of either Kerry or the Democrats, but I'm quite sick of the up is down, down is up tactics of this administration. They attack their opponent's strengths and turn them upside down. A prime example of this was the administration's understanding that Kerry's military service would be a problem during the election campaign. How do you put a candidate, who's family influenced the governor to get their son into the Texas air national guard to avoid Vietnam, against a candidate who not only volunteered for regular service, but who volunteered for a second tour of duty and requested service in Vietnam? Amazingly they attacked Kerry on his military service, questioning his medals and awards. Suddenly Kerry became the one with the questionable war record. Amazing.
But this is the modus operandi of this coven under the evil genius Rove.

And the sheep bleat on in approval.

Bush's Iran Plan Echoes Kerry, Baffles Friends - January 27, 2006 - The New York Sun - NY News


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Another fascist program, hide your children.

Another one discussed before, but worth reminding the sheep about...
Every child in America will now undergo psychological testing, and treatment, including drugs, WITHOUT parental consent!
It's already started, start screaming.

Two Out of Three Foster Children in Texas on Psychotropic Medication

Backup Copy


Planned Volunteer-Informant Corps Elicits '1984' Fears

This is old news, and TIPS was cancelled, but I think people need a reminder of the kind of fascist programs coming out of this administration (remember Ashcroft's concentration camps?).
One of the sneaky things about this bunch is that once they get caught trying something like this, they cancel it and secretly come up with something worse. I'm trying to find the replacement program name and info now.
Meanwhile, remember this is America, not communism.

Planned Volunteer-Informant Corps Elicits '1984' Fears
