Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Yeah, right.

"Justice demands that those who helped or harbored the terrorists be punished -- and punished severely. The enormity of their evil demands it. We will use all the resources of the United States and our cooperating friends and allies to pursue those responsible for this evil, until justice is done." - George W. Bush, White House Proclamation, Sept 13th 2001

15 of 19 terrorists, Saudi - Punishment to Saudi Arabia? nada

Bin Lauden family assisted in escape from US Sept. 12th - No one questioned, no one punished.

George H. Bush, employed by Bin Lauden Family before during and after 9/11 - Punishment?

and so on....


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

1984? I wish it was that good.

Well, we could sure use a few more Wellstone's these days. The congress just renewed provisions of the unconstitutional Patriot Act.

Despite the fact that there has not been a single conviction of a terrorist as a result of the Patriot act. Despite the fact that hundreds (or thousands by some accounts) of US Citizens, not immigrants or illegals, but Citizens have been arrested without charge, denied access to lawyers, held and interrogated without charges, sometimes for months. Despite all this, the mouth breathing public has not been outraged. You should be. What's wrong with this country?
The founding fathers and Colonists would never, ever have tolerated what the public today tolerates. Get up, get mad, don't accept it!

I've got two more quotes for you...

"They that would give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

"If a Nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be... If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed." - Thomas Jefferson


Double standard.

It's funny how the administration has whined about the phillibuster and tried to outlaw it, yet W has no problem making recess appointments. If you ask me, the recess appointment is much dirtier pool than the phillibuster.

So it sounds like your gonna get stuck with John Bolton as US ambassador to the UN.

On another note, I hope all the idiots that voted for Bush, purely because of his supposed anti-abortion stance are paying attention. Even though these same mouth breathers have never actually listened to his stance on abortion. He is NOT anti-abortion in his policy beliefs. Sure, his personal beliefs may be against abortion, but his personal beliefs have always taken a back seat to his political aspirations. He's a political animal. He's learly stated that he doesn't have any intention to go after Roe V. Wade. And the funy thing is that all these morons who vote solely based on a candidate's abortion stance don't realize the president doesn't really have anything to do with it. He's the executive branch, not the judicial or legislative.
The most the president can do is lobby congress and appoint pro-life judges. He has not yet done that. None of his appointees are pro-life.

I wonder why these Republican voting geniuses don't ask themselves why the Democrats aren't screaming about Bush's latest Supreme court nominee? After all, if he was pro-life (or anti- Roe V Wade) they'd be ripping his lungs out by now. But instead all reports seem to be that there's no real controversy over John Roberts.
I can tell you why the Democrats aren't screaming. In a 2003 confirmation hearing, Roberts said:

"Roe v. Wade is the settled law of the land. It is not--it's a little more than settled. It was reaffirmed in the face of a challenge that it should be overruled in the Casey decision. Accordingly, it's the settled law of the land. There's nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from fully and faithfully applying that precedent, as well as Casey."

So, Here bush has two possible openings in the Supreme court*, enough to turn the balance of power to the pro-life side and once again he screws the conservative right that elected him by choosing a nominee that will NOT support the opinion of those same voters.
*(O'Connor is retiring and Rehnquist is about to drop dead)

Meanwhile, it seems the traitor Rove is getting away with his outing of Valerie Plame.


Saturday, July 16, 2005

Come on people, get a pair!! (NASA)

It amazes me how everyone whines and cries about how space exploration is too dangerous. We lose a few astronauts and we're talking about pulling the plug. Good grief, what kind of coddled sissies are we becoming?
How many people died just to settle the west?
How many people died reaching the poles?
How many people die mining coal?
How many people die driving to work?

Life is dangerous, get over it.

No one has any business whining about the risk of life to astronauts until they raise as much stink about the lives wasted every day in Iraq. And we'll sure get a lot more return on the investment of those lives from space exploration than we ever will from Iraq. And those lives are at least as valuable.
You OWE your soldiers more. They choose to do a job where they know they could be asked to die. Why are they worth less to you than astronauts, or coal miners, or someone's damn dog down a well?
I mean hell, we'll spend thousands to rescue some damn horse that's fallen through the ice, or a kitten in a well pipe, but what do we do for our troops? Buy some damn fool yellow ribbon magnet and slap it on our car?
Well, aren't we great.
Be ashamed.


Dear London

My condolances to you and yours.
It's too bad you had to get caught up in W's war on the world.
But then I suppose you are in the same boat we are. We keep electing people who hate us, use us, rob us, and enslave us like W. So we get to suffer the consequences of their actions.
It's a shame that the general population chooses to be so willfully ignorant that we allow ourselves to be lied to, and abused so consistently by people we keep re-electing. Blair is in some ways worse than W. He's just a NWO whipping boy, at least W has a goal and a plan. Granted, world domination isn't noble, but at least it's ambitious.

Anyway, meanwhile, the innocent suffer. Like those in London tubes and busses. My condolences to you and your families.
However, I don't expect it to get better.

"Evil prospers when good men stand by and do nothing"

Don't just stand there. Do something.

To quote Howard Beale -

"Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!... You've got to say, 'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!'
Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it."


Hey news media! Don't forget the traitor hunt!!!

Wow, the mainstream media managed to pretend they were interested in the outing of Karl Rove as a traitorous snake for all of 3 days. Gee guys, you're getting really good at hiding your puppet strings.

CNN, (MS)NBC, ABC, CBS etc. Wake up! without your pressure and pursuit of this story, Some traitor is going to get away with it. Don't you dare let this happen. I mean, I don't expect any kind of journalistic integrity from FOX news. After all, they are essentially the PR wing of the administration. And of course there's Murdoch's chief bitch, O'Reilley, who is constantly shilling for the Whitehouse. And yet he has the nerve to act indignant and start name calling when someone dares to call him on it.
What a loser.
Hey O'Reilley, up yours you punk. When you show an ounce on integrity, or even one ball, and say one thing that goes against your handlers will, then you can have the right to have an opinion.
Meanwhile, I'd be happy to send you some Preparation H. I'm sure that butt is getting plenty sore from having so many different puppeteers hands up it.


Cheney tastes his own medicine

Well well, Cheney gets his physical completed today. One of the things he's going to get is a colonoscopy. Yahoo! I think it's about time he had done to him what he's been doing to us!
I hope he gets a trainee with shakey hands.

Oh well...


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The pot calls the kettle black...Cruise.

Everyone likes when people agree with them, yet I cringed to think Tom Cruise was on my side about something. Sure, we live in an overmedicated nuthouse of a world. Sure the so called science of psychology is mostly the unscientific ramblings of incestuous, insane drug addicts. And sure I've seen first hand people that have had their lives turned upside down by the snake oil toting psychiatrists. I agree with all that, I mean hell. Rittalin IS pretty much methamphetamines, the scourge of this generation. And sure Paxil will help with your anxiety/depression, IF you don't mind being a Stepford Wife in return.

But what gives Tom Cruise the right to criticize anyone? I mean he's a big enough loser to buy into the insane, inane ramblings of a bush league science fiction writer. Good grief, L. Ron Hubbard can't even write decent sci-fi (Have you _read_ Battlefield earth?! It's actually worse than the movie, and don't get me started on Travolta), what makes anyone think he can come up with a reasonably rational fake religion? At least join one of the properly done cults. Like the mormons or the Catholics.

Heck, Cruise himself looked pretty strung out that night he went ape-dirt on Matt Lauer. Guess it's time for Cruise to 'audit out' his jackass engrams. OR get an enema.


